"House arrest. That's what it is really. Don't let anyone fool you with that "bed rest" con. I've been under house arrest. And I just cannot figure out what I did wrong, what I did to deserve this.
For nearly 2 weeks I've been left behind, when Ami gets to go for runs with Dad, or goes out with Mom or Dad and mysteriously comes back a little salty and wet. I remember salty and wet. Wait... why didn't I get to go? Then I get the consolation prize of chasing the water from the hose. Cools me off, and I do like a cool shower. And then, insult to injury, whenever we get off the deck to relieve ourselves, I get put on my leash. But not Ami, no. How come? What did I do?
I hear "Good, Kona." "Poor, Kona" "You're such a good girl, Kona." "Stay down, Kona." "Lie down, Kona." "Stay, Kona." "Poor, Kona...." I'm here to tell you, Kona's had enough.
Today was more than I could bear. First Mom left with Ami. Such a bummer. Then, sand in my kibble, Dad left too. I didn't want to be left home alone. No way. No more.
I figured out how to push open the big sliding door and just bullied my way through the screen. I took a running start, rounded the corner of the lanaii and launched over the gate. I might have broken a few plants on my landing, but I hit the ground and took off running. I was free. I was out of the house, off the lanaii, no collar, no leash, no worries. Woo-hoo!
I did a little exploring, a little sniffing, a lot of running. I was free! But I didn't see Mom, or Dad, or Ami. Couldn't figure out which way to go. Couldn't remember the way to the beach. Made it down the driveway - lots of cars out there. Whoa. Kinda scary. Looked one way, then the other. Didn't know which way to go. Lost the scent - there were so many smells. I felt a little panicky. Now what? But no turning back, not yet. Went down the sidewalk, sprinting from smell to smell. Still wasn't finding my family. No longer altogether comfortable with this whole freedom thing. Thinking maybe I should turn around. After a while, above all the sounds of cars and birds and cars and wind and cars, I thought I heard someone calling my name. I started back up the sidewalk, the way I had come. And finally, there she was - Mom!
She didn't look so good.
But boy was I happy to see her! She herded me back to the car, waiting at the end of the driveway. Told me to "load up" - yeah, like I needed to be told. I was so relieved to back in a small safe space. She rubbed me and hugged me, said the nicest things about being worried and scared. (SHE was worried and scared? I was a little fklempt myself!) And then she did the wierdest thing - she yelled at me. Said I had scared the s&%#t out of her.
And we drove home. Dad came running up, rubbing me and petting me. Ami was happy to see me and really wanted to know where I'd been and what I'd done. Even our neighbor Tex was relieved I was home safe and sound, as he too had been out looking.
I just hope they learned their lesson - no one leaves Kona home alone anymore.
But just between you and me, I don't really ever want to go on that particular adventure again."

Oh, Kona, I am so glad you are back. How did your "excellent adventure" effect your leg? Sammy and Max have no one to bark at. M & N: have any trips to the mainland in the near future? Hope so.