What follows here are just my thoughts and words. No fact checking, no spell checking, no promises of great insight or good grammar. Just me dumping the words in my head to words on the screen. Bear with me... sometimes it's a bumpy ride.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Gone Native ...

Michael has joined the ranks of locals and now comandeers his very own 150 cc "scooter".  It's actually considered a motorcycle - requires a license plate (which we have) and a special operating license (which he has - albeit old and CA still).  It's perfect for the little around town errands, trips to the beach (sans doggies), and the like.
There may yet be a kink or two to be worked out... like remembering to remove the lock (think bike chain) before you attempt to scoot down the driveway.   (Luckily it was on the back tire, thus avoiding a dicey ass-over-teakettle spill.  Actually, there was no spill involved and no damage to scooter, lock, or, thankfully, operator.) 

And yes, we always do wear helmets.  (Honestly, we didn't once, but the next day saw a nasty accident, and decided not worth the risk any more.)

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