What follows here are just my thoughts and words. No fact checking, no spell checking, no promises of great insight or good grammar. Just me dumping the words in my head to words on the screen. Bear with me... sometimes it's a bumpy ride.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

And the Wind Cried... KONA

There are monsters outside of my window.

They roar and loom, shaking their shaggy arms at me, throwing menacing shadows and gusting blasts of their breath through the windows.  Sometimes they are still and quiet as if frozen or asleep.  But lately, they have been awakened and they claw at the window, trying to get in.

Sometimes I can close my eyes and sleep without a care.  But sometimes, it's too much for me.  And I run to my Mom, pawing her and trying to get as close to her as I can.  The monsters don't scare her. Nothing scares her.  I feel better when she calms me, and when I can lie near her and keep an eye on her.

My sister is afraid of the monsters too.  I know she is.  She gets all quiet and small, and sometimes goes and hides in the bathroom.  I only go in there when I'm really really scared, and even then, only if Mom goes in there first.  It's better when all three of us are in that small little space.  Sometimes it makes Mom laugh, sometimes she just sighs.

It's worse at night.  The monsters multiply and their numbers make them strong and more frightening. It's hard for me to breathe.  I feel anxious and panicky.  I don't know what to do, so I circle and pant and climb as high as I can, close to something warm and safe, like Mom or Dad.

Luckily, I have my buddy to help me through.  I go & find it and keep it close by to calm me down.  It's good to have a buddy to help me feel better, to focus on, instead of the noisy monsters outside.  Everyone should have a buddy like this.  But this is my buddy. You've gotta go find your own.

- A Guest Posting from Kona

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